Your iPhone 6 is not able to power on? And it also shows power leakage when connecting with DC power supply? How to fix the problem? In this article, you will get to know the detailed iPhone 6 boot failure repair process, hope it will be helpful for your iPhone repair work!
Electricity leakage can divide into two kinds: 1. when iPhone 6 not booting, it will shows leakage or large current alarm on UD 1505TA DC power supply. 2. There is no electricity leakage when supplying power, but it will show large current once pressing power button.
The iPhone 6 battery voltage is PP_BATT_VCC first sent to charging IC--U1401, then U1401 will output main power PP_VCC_MAIN to the related circuit, battery voltage PP_BATT_VCC and main power supply PP_VCC_MAIN is sent to the related board after supplying power, if it shows power leakage or large current not booting, it must be one of the PP_BATT_VCC and PP_VCC_MAIN circuit has a short fault, first measuring the ground resistance of PP_BATT_VCC and PP_VCC_MAIN.
Use some rosin to smoke the circuit into white, add voltage on short circuit parts and increase voltage gradually from zero. The heating surface of short circuit parts will melt and change color, so as to find out failure parts quickly.
If there is no power leakage when supplying power, but it will get leakage or large current once pressing the power button, this means the short circuit parts exist on one of the output voltage of power IC, measuring each output grounding resistance of power IC, find the short one, and check the related components, rosin method will help you to fast find it.
Respectively measure each output of the bypass capacitance measurement resistance, find the short circuit parts. Use rosin to locate the specific parts!
In addition to the short circuit part would cause booting failure, the USB control IC damage will cause the failure of white apple screen. The damage of the compass IC will cause error 4013 after restoring white apple screen iPhone.
Other booting failure status and how to fix:
If the iPhone 6 set at around 100 Ma does not boot, connect with computer online, if it cannot recognize the hardware, it means the iPhone 6 CPU does not work, try to reinstall or replace the U1202, if you can recognize the hardware, restore to see what error, if it's 4005/4014/9/14/40, basically CPU or NAND problems, reinstall or replace the NAND. The compass IC damage will reports error 4013, replace the compass IC will solve the problem.
If the iPhone 6 doesn't turn on because of water damage, clean and weld the small inductance and resistance around CPU and power IC, many small resistors or inductors can be corroded and damaged, they are hard to see by eys, you can use a VGA 7-45X Trinocular Stereo Microscope microscope to check and solder.
If it's a white apple keeps on the screen, the Ace assistant will see if it can read the information of the phone. If we can read the information, it will show that it can boot. The problem is in the display and touch part. The touch IC--U2402 U2401 can be reinstalled or replaced.
If iPhone gets blue screen rebooting or red screen rebooting, it is means the abnormal work of NAND parts, you can try to weld U0301, if still not work then restall or replace the iPhone 6 NAND chip.
If the boot is not responding, check whether the main power of U1401 output is normal. If abnormal, replace U1401, if there is main power output, replace the power U1201.
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Electricity leakage can divide into two kinds: 1. when iPhone 6 not booting, it will shows leakage or large current alarm on UD 1505TA DC power supply. 2. There is no electricity leakage when supplying power, but it will show large current once pressing power button.
The iPhone 6 battery voltage is PP_BATT_VCC first sent to charging IC--U1401, then U1401 will output main power PP_VCC_MAIN to the related circuit, battery voltage PP_BATT_VCC and main power supply PP_VCC_MAIN is sent to the related board after supplying power, if it shows power leakage or large current not booting, it must be one of the PP_BATT_VCC and PP_VCC_MAIN circuit has a short fault, first measuring the ground resistance of PP_BATT_VCC and PP_VCC_MAIN.
Use some rosin to smoke the circuit into white, add voltage on short circuit parts and increase voltage gradually from zero. The heating surface of short circuit parts will melt and change color, so as to find out failure parts quickly.
If there is no power leakage when supplying power, but it will get leakage or large current once pressing the power button, this means the short circuit parts exist on one of the output voltage of power IC, measuring each output grounding resistance of power IC, find the short one, and check the related components, rosin method will help you to fast find it.
Respectively measure each output of the bypass capacitance measurement resistance, find the short circuit parts. Use rosin to locate the specific parts!
In addition to the short circuit part would cause booting failure, the USB control IC damage will cause the failure of white apple screen. The damage of the compass IC will cause error 4013 after restoring white apple screen iPhone.
Other booting failure status and how to fix:
If the iPhone 6 set at around 100 Ma does not boot, connect with computer online, if it cannot recognize the hardware, it means the iPhone 6 CPU does not work, try to reinstall or replace the U1202, if you can recognize the hardware, restore to see what error, if it's 4005/4014/9/14/40, basically CPU or NAND problems, reinstall or replace the NAND. The compass IC damage will reports error 4013, replace the compass IC will solve the problem.
If the iPhone 6 doesn't turn on because of water damage, clean and weld the small inductance and resistance around CPU and power IC, many small resistors or inductors can be corroded and damaged, they are hard to see by eys, you can use a VGA 7-45X Trinocular Stereo Microscope microscope to check and solder.
If it's a white apple keeps on the screen, the Ace assistant will see if it can read the information of the phone. If we can read the information, it will show that it can boot. The problem is in the display and touch part. The touch IC--U2402 U2401 can be reinstalled or replaced.
If iPhone gets blue screen rebooting or red screen rebooting, it is means the abnormal work of NAND parts, you can try to weld U0301, if still not work then restall or replace the iPhone 6 NAND chip.
If the boot is not responding, check whether the main power of U1401 output is normal. If abnormal, replace U1401, if there is main power output, replace the power U1201.
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